Besides passively and discretely posting this blog on my facebook and Armour Archive profile, I haven't actually came out and told many people that I have decided to undertake this journey.
I don't think many people would understand why I am choosing to attempt this feat. It sounds crazy whenever I think about it to myself and when my wife and I discuss it. I know it must sound insane to the rest of the world. I haven't told anyone close to me about this because I don't want anyone to try to talk me out of it.
It's hard to articulate my reasoning for taking my long walk. Ever since I was a young man (11-12) I have felt like I should do something like this. My walk has always been one of those things I felt like I wanted to do, but there was no way to actually go after it.
I'm not doing this for fame, or money, or attention. This is one of those things that you feel in your bones. It is something that I have to try and if I don't I will regret not trying for the rest of my life.