Lately I've started to question myself as to why I want to take this walk. Mind you, I'm not wondering whether or not I'm going to do it, because I most definitely am. I have just wondered to myself why? Why?
What would compel an otherwise sane man to decide to walk from his very comfortable home, spend countless days and nights walking across America (actually I think I just answered my own question.)
There is no adventure left in the modern world, not for ordinary people. No more dragons to slay, damsels to rescue, lands to conquer. At least none that are within my reach. This walk will be my adventure and the people I meet will be my (metaphorical) damsels. I'll probably meet a few dragons on the way as well. I've always felt like I was apart from the modern world, as if I were born out of my intended time. That's one of the reasons I love the SCA so much. It gives me that fix that I need to keep going another week or month in the mundane world I was planted in.
However I need something bigger. A quest, a dream to follow. Something to prove my worth and manhood to the world and to myself. I have no idea what I am to carry away from the experience but I know that it is going to change me. It excites me to wonder what will be waiting for me and until then I will work my mind and body until they are equal to the challenge.